To Whom It May Concern


I am a Man
My mind is strong
My heart is bold
My past is long
But never told...
We all try to hide things to seem tough
Seem Less .... vulnerable
In reality we hurt
We hurt in a different way than women.
Some men run
Some men dont
They run to drugs
Some believe in hope
I bleed like you
We fight the same
I see like you
Sometimes cry the same...
To whom it may concern
Even though i am a Man
I am not perfect

  • Author: Karakter (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 18th, 2018 07:00
  • Category: Letter
  • Views: 47
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  • dusk arising

    Though what i an about to write may be becoming a cliche, to someone you will be the possessor of the perfect imperfections.
    None of us are perfect are we. Finding a partner who's imperfections are something I can live with or love about them is surely MY goal.
    What is perfection anyway.
    Enjoyed your thought provoking writing.

  • SLR

    We all have pain and deal with it in different ways. The important thing is to fight our way through the bad times and come out stronger on the other side. When we find someone that we can share our pasts with and they understand us, then we've found love.

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