Deadened Frisson Explains...


Absent Motility Against Staid Inertia


impossible to describe listlessness

bedeviling this body electric aye attest

motivation to counter glumness

seizes motility temporarily

to stave off staid purposeless at best,

yet aware poetic obfuscation chest

barely delineates fierce hopelessness

assailing me,

when'r awake and/or at everest

feeding melancholy feedback loop

sparring against faintest

momentum - writhing psyche,

asper an unwelcome guest

emotional friction

bringing motionlessness,

where lunging futility

summoning ability

to muster joie de vivre

defeated willpower

no matter mental health

propped up

with pharmacological medications

prescribed by Doctor

George Adams be hest,

yet tis NOT suicide, but general malaise

as if poison (or stung

by a scorpion) jest

permeates thy being

sparking existential angst

hoop fully communicating figurative soffits

facilitating emotional bulwark lest

ye coon sitter

this lix spittled chap messed

up in the head, but also that empty nest

syndrome - a bird den,

and nefarious pest

disallowing merrily rowing my boat

subjected to turbulence

that doth wrinkle

space/time continuum quest

punctuating any attempt

to take fig yurt heave Newtonian rest

without being assailed

of drab quotidian predictability

re: envious papa

towards daughters adventurous lives

he rejoices (albeit vicariously)

respective lives

where offspring lasso lassitude,

viz both their electric kool aid acid test

how fate didst in vest

waning wily woebegone zest!


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