

Deep in the forest where love and beauty flourishes, is a rose garden
Illuminated by the blazing sun and life at it's finest
Dewy roses drip into the grass beneath it and for once you've never seen anything so magnificent
Shadows run amongst the garden living in harmony

One day a shadow wiggles it's fingers, bends over, and plucks a rose from the garden while no one is looking
Then, as quickly as it came, it dances away

The next day it's back with a wilting rose, dancing lethargically
Limbs flying and flopping every which way and teardrops flying from it's head
The shadow picks up another rose to replace the one that's decaying
Today the other shadows watch, and as it dances away happily hopping and jumping,
the others follow, dancing frantically

They come back with two wilted roses a few days later
All sad and weeping, letting their bodies fly about as a gloomy little dance
So close together you can't tell who's body belongs to whom
Now today, they all bend over, and take each a single rose
They dance away

Every day more shadows come back, at first performing a mournful show as they drop off the dead roses
They keep plucking more and more from the garden
With their new stunning roses, they will perform a more graceful, happy dance

There comes a day when they all come back and there is only one single rose left
There is a pause, and then it turns wild
Woeful dances turn violent as they make their way to the rose
They push, claw, and bite at each other and they all reach for the gleaming flower
In rage, they all rip at it, wanting it for themselves
Pieces of the rose fly every which way
Some whisked away by the wind and others pieces fall to the ground
In a circle around whats left of the flower, the shadows sob into their hands,
Looking at the remnants of what had once given them joy

Deep in the forest where love and beauty once flourished, is what used to be a rose garden
Illuminated by the blazing sun and humanity at it's absolute worst
Wilted roses and dying grass and for once you've never seen anything so horrifying
Shadows weep over the mess they've created reminiscing of how they once lived in harmony

  • Author: Lyssa19 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 21st, 2018 13:45
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 18
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  • SLR

    Prime example of how we can end up destroying something/someone that we live if we don't take care of them and show them tenderness and support. Good write. Thank you for sharing it.

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