My Lifelong Companion


Jealousy is not a green-eyed monster--

     He’s actually quite nice

He’s small and cute and cannot speak

     but His actions are suffice


He’s prideful as a peacock,

     cunning as a fox,

Misleading as a “dead” possum,

     quick as 12 nighthawks


He frequently accompanies me

     wherever i set forth

I flee Him while He’s in the south--

     He follows me due north


He sees my well-kept secrets

     where my True Intentions lie

He observes me in my Glory days

     and consumes me when I cry


Although He’s always with me,

     sometimes I feel He’s left

To my dismay, he always lingers

     but without him, I’m bereft


I’ve known Him for forever

     and He’s well-informed of me

He’s mine, all mine, you mayn’t have him

     for He’s my jealousy

  • Author: Wanderlutz (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 24th, 2018 22:08
  • Comment from author about the poem: Going through some stuff with a close friend. This poem is the result.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 26
  • Users favorite of this poem: Ruby Sandman
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