

Laying in bed inside of my head 

I want to sleep but I get defeat 

I count the sheep but they left me to think 

All the moments I waste turning and tossing 

Man I’m exhausted too much worry and wanting

I look over and see my partner fast asleep

 envy becomes me and I want to scream 

Please please let me fall asleep 



  • Author: sjc513 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 2nd, 2018 10:43
  • Comment from author about the poem: Have you ever been so sleepy and can’t fall asleep? Story of my life right here lol
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 19
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  • Frogspoetry

    All of the time.great poem

    • sjc513

      Thank you 😊

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