Girl Poems

girlIt doesn’t matter whether they are poems written by girl or poems written by guys, when the topic is “girls”, there is always a lot to say. In fact, it’s quite interesting to look at the different perspectives that guys and girls have when writing about each other. And of course, when these perspectives are view poetically, then it usually offers some additional insights. It takes time to sit down and compose a poem about someone. It requires more than just a few random thoughts. Poetry is purposeful, regardless of the topic. But when we’re talking about girls, well . . . let’s just say that the opinions expressed are going to be powerful!

As I started looking through the vast number of girl poems written by girls, I was a little surprised by the number of times they wrote about all of the different types of personalities there are. What I was taken with by these poems was how many ‘kinds of girls’ there are in the world. Now, I am going to guess that the authors for most of these are teenage or early twenties (although I could be wrong). I think the most extensive list of types of girls and their primary ‘attribute’ was presented by Sabrina Smith. I don’t know anything about her, but here is her take on all of her sisters.

All Different Girls
by Sabrina Smith


And then, of course, are the poems about girls that are written by the guys. The topics cover the entire range of emotions, from when a guy first sees a girl that he might be interested in all the way through the dating process, and either ending in marriage or a break-up. What I found interesting is the number of articles written that make suggestions and recommendations on exactly how a guy should write a poem about a girl. More precisely, how to write a poem TO a girl. It’s actually quite entertainingOne of the suggestions to get started was to just write down anything – worry about getting ideas down on paper before you worry about rhyming. In some ways, that’s not a bad idea for any writing assignment. Here is a sample of a rather typical poem about a girl as written by a guy. There were several people who seemed to claim authorship, so I’ll just leave the by-line as ‘anonymous’.

A Girl Like You
by Anonymous


A third category which needs to be looked at is slightly different. These are poems written by the fathers of girls. This point of view is starkly different than the previous two. Poems about girls as written by their father tend to show the amount of protection they desire for their daughter, and how much the worry about her future — especially when it comes to dating and guys. A common theme found in these poems addresses how easily a daughter can manipulate her father’s heart. Here is an example of how that might be expressed.

For My Daughter
by Marvin Rabinovitch


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