Night Wind

John Clare

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Darkness like midnight from the sobbing woods
Clamours with dismal tidings of the rain
Roaring as rivers breaking loose in floods
To spread and foam and deluge all the plain
The cotter listens at his door again
Half doubting whether it be floods or wind
And through the thickening darkness looks affraid
Thinking of roads that travel has to find
Through night's black depths in danger's garb arrayed
And the loud glabber round the flaze soon stops
When hushed to silence by a lifted hand
Of fearing dame who hears the noise in dread
And thinks a deluge comes to drown the land
Nor dares she go to bed until the tempest drops

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  • ronnyy

    Just stumbled upon this John Clare piece again. I remember reading it as a child. His imagery and the emotion it conveys are powerful. His portrayal of nature is truly captivating, almost takes me back to my younger years.