Comments received on poems by Depression is a battle that we\'re all in together

One less lonely night
AlaskaYoung1105 said:

This is sadly beautiful. I love your writing. Very heart touching.

April 22nd, 2017 16:51

Pls JUST LISTEN!!!!!! said:

Waw*sigh *that was deed and very emotionally strong. I started to cry as i read it over for the sixed time. Waw.

April 13th, 2017 18:35

Broken And Battered

WELCOME REBECCA ~ for a very moving and emotional FIRST poem ~ I trust it is not your LAST. Most of us on MPS have experienced extremes of the AGONY and ECSTASY of LOVE. For some of our Members it has driven them to the brink of suicide. Despite the suicidal content of your poem ~ it is very elegantly penned in seven neat quatrains and a final doublet. It is replete with rhyme and rhythm. When I read your next poem I will know that you had second thoughts of ending the lives of yourself and Baby Jon. Every Blessing for both your futures ! Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my poems ~ Thanks B.

April 12th, 2017 05:30