Comments received on poems by Ollie192

I am a cat
orchidee said:

Thoughtful and sensitive write. Some cats, as they get older maybe, might not bother about catching birds much.

May 7th, 2017 01:54

I am a cat

Thanks OLLIE ~ Love your first poem ! You must have peace in your heart about your CAT ~ to write such a lovely and fun poem about him ~ so soon after his demise. He sounds happy under the tree and I guess he has gone to CAT PARADISE ~ Where all the Good Cats go ~ and in my experience ALL CATS are GOOD ! Please check my Poems ~ BRIAN

May 6th, 2017 17:25

I am a cat
swingline said:

I\'m a cat person and losing a cat is like losing a child . All my sympathy go out to you and your special cat .

May 6th, 2017 17:16