Comments received on poems by A_lost_soul

Feelings unheard
swingline said:

Love the last two lines especially . Great expressive write .

May 16th, 2017 19:00


THANKS FRIEND ~ i GUESS 19 is your age ! Being a MALE I was still s struggling Science Student @ 19 and martially I didn\'t have much to offer a Girl ~ but of course I did fly my kite ! I did fall in love several times @ College but I don\'t think I really thought about the implications of telling a Female Student ILY it was all part of growing up ! Yours BRIAN

May 14th, 2017 16:35

ron parrish aka wordman said:

love and pain travels together,even real love brings pain at times

May 14th, 2017 12:30


WELCOME FRIEND ~ Thanks for your first Poem ! It is in essence more of an Anti~Love poem than a regular Love Poem. As we get older (into our 30\'s) our experience of love Waxes and Wanes like the MOON ! I don\'t tell every lady I date I LOVE YOU but fortunately those I have said it to ~ have (for a rime) Loved me back ! The message in your intriguing poem is ~ DON\'T SAY ILY and not mean it ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B.

May 14th, 2017 12:03