Comments received on poems by ada.maris

Raging Fire
Louis Gibbs said:

Rage ... the beast that lurks within many of us. Nothing calms it as well as just living out our lives and learning to Love. Welcome to MPS, Ada!

June 29th, 2017 10:01

Raging Fire

WELCOME TO MPS ADA ~ Thanks for a very elegant and challenging first poem ! I was a TEEN ~ just a few years ago so i can relate to your INNER FIRES of Anger and Rage. Growing up in the 21st C is never easy for YIN or YANG ! My fires have subdued somewhat but I still have to be careful not to let them erupt ! In their place ANGER & RAGE are just as beautiful as PEACE & CALM but the former need to under control at all times ! YES it is my sad experience that uncontrolled ANGER & RAGE can so easily destroy relationships so take care ! Thanks for caring & sharing Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poems\' ILLINOIS is a nice State to be in and I love the CHICAGO WATERFRONT and SKYLINE ~ awesome ! Also you have the lovely NORTHERN CARDINAL as your State Bird ! Thanks B.. .

June 29th, 2017 05:07