Comments received on poems by jake_your_pick

Christina8 said:

Very good write! I see you putting up personal boundaries which we all must do. Hope to see more of your writes!

October 19th, 2017 11:28

insufficient funds
FredPeyer said:

To regret late is better than to not regret at all. If you cannot fix this mistake, at least you can learn from it.
Very nice poem with a lot of emotion.

July 2nd, 2017 18:02

insufficient funds
Heather T said:

I think it says a lot about your character that you recognize what happened, and that you thought enough to put this into words. Welcome, and better luck next time dear.

July 2nd, 2017 16:11

insufficient funds
AcaciaRose said:

You just put to words one of the things ive been trying to for a long time now.

July 2nd, 2017 10:45