Comments received on poems by Dylan

Behind The Glass
Avi said:

Dylan I was also bullied for autism

January 13th, 2025 17:01

Behind The Glass
Goldfinch60 said:

Be sure that I can break that glass so that your life of freedom can be there for you. That glass has been broken as we welcome you to MPS.

July 10th, 2017 01:01

Behind The Glass
MaddieJ said:

I do not share in the autism part of it, but I can say that coming from the rejection side, I understand completely. Junior high was especially hard for me too. I felt so invisible, separate and foreign. Know that you have friends here on the site! Great poem!

July 10th, 2017 00:22

Behind The Glass
Louis Gibbs said:

It is so good to welcome a fellow member of the autism spectrum to MPS, Dylan! There are more than just us, so join the party. My affiliation with the spectrum is in the form of Asperger\'s syndrome ... which as you probably know is referred to as high-functioning autism.
I really appreciated your poem and look forward to many more. Thanks for posting.

July 9th, 2017 19:33

Behind The Glass
FredPeyer said:

Welcome to the forum Dylan. You made quite an entrance here with your excellent poem, broken glass and all! So now that the glass is gone (can somebody please bring a broom?) we expect a lot more good writing from you.

July 9th, 2017 17:56

Behind The Glass
burning-embers said:

The glass breaks wonderfully well from your side. Come on through - oh you already have! Welcome to the place where you can let it all out and more! Lots to read here and i hope lots to hear from you too.

July 9th, 2017 17:14

Behind The Glass
Dylan said:

Thank you Martina. You are very correct with your words :). I wish more people thought the way you do. I wish more people thought the way each and every one of you do :).

July 9th, 2017 17:09

Behind The Glass
Dylan said:

Thank you so much Heather. Lord knows I would break down any wall and break into any dungeon you put in my path to free each and every one of you from the pain that only rejection can cause. You all will always have a friend in me :)

July 9th, 2017 17:08

Behind The Glass
Dylan said:

Thank you both so much. I came to the conclusion long ago that there are millions of people out there in different countries who have gone through and or are going through the same experience as we all have. It hurts a great deal but as long as we do not give up hope and we do not drop to their level of behavior, then life will be a much better place to live in and we will be happier for it.

July 9th, 2017 17:07

Behind The Glass
Heather T said:

I think anyone worth their salt would obliterate that glass for you, dear Dylan. Glad to have you here.

July 9th, 2017 17:05

Behind The Glass
Nicholas Browning said:

I haven\'t been here long, so I\'m not sure if it means much coming from me, but you\'re welcome here friend. I went through many years of being rejected by and rejecting others. I found my own way, but it wasn\'t easy. I\'ll break the glass friend.

July 9th, 2017 16:57