Comments received on poems by blee1109

No, I\'m Not Heart Broken
Christina8 said:

Welcome to MPS! Excellent write! What a brave and positive one at that! I think this poem will help those overcoming breakups like yours. Your outlook is so fantastic, it\'s inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

August 2nd, 2017 19:50

No, I\'m Not Heart Broken

WELCOME BLEE ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ this is an empathetic site and it is an experience we can empathise witn. An elegantly written poem with a poignant message ~ but with a positive resolve expressed in the Title and The First Line ~ NO I\'M NOT HEARTBROKEN ! Three Years is a long time for a Serious Relationship ! But i like your resolve and faith that \"A New Man ~ Worthy of you Love ~ will come into your life\" I\'m a Man and my philosophy is \"Better to have Loved & Lost ~ than never to have Loved at all\" In my experience that mantra is easier for Men than Ladies for lots of reasons. This is why I found your poem so refreshing ! You have been Knocked Down ~ but not Knocked Out ~ Heart Wounded but not Heart Broken ~ AMEN. Thinking of You ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

August 2nd, 2017 14:17