Comments received on poems by Weird Alien

Cinderella Dream

WELCOME HAILEY ~ Thanks for your first poem. You had the guts to write how lots of Young People feel (who have been dealt a bad hand) but don\'t have the nerve to express it so graphically ~ straight from you wounded soul. I\'m 33 and surviving and my experience is ~ as you mature ~ things get better ~ and we learn to cope with live and survive the Jungle ! Thanks for sharing & caring ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

July 18th, 2017 15:16

Cinderella Dream
FredPeyer said:

Welcome to the site, Hailey!
While I have to agree with DS/KS about the language, it have to admit that your poem does have a lot of raw power. You tell it like you see it. Your writing style reminds me a little bit of the poet Charles Bukowski. If you don\'t know him, read him, you might really like him.
And yes, growing up is not easy. But true reality? What is true? I have to assume you are talking about your reality, as you perceive it. You may be completely right, or maybe completely wrong. I cannot judge that. Don\'t let others tell you what life is all about...find out for yourself, honestly and positively. There is a lot more good than you might think right now.
Nuff said!
BTW, keep on writing, would like to read more from you!

July 18th, 2017 11:43