Comments received on poems by Jen?

Nicotine ™

WELCOME JEN ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ well written and full of rhythm which made it good to read. Love is an addiction and as hard to shake off as NICOTINE. Good arresting title ! I am old enough (33) to have experienced both the Ecstasy and Agony of Love and you touch on both in your very personal & explicit poem ~ I trust you found it cathartic ~ it made me weep for you. As a MAN I always say \"Better to have loved and lost ~ Than never to have loved at all\" BUT my experience tells me that \"mantra\" is much harder for LADY ! Thanks for sharing ~ Thinking of you ~ Praying for you ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

July 18th, 2017 14:13

Nicotine ™
FredPeyer said:

Welcome to the site, Jen.
Very well written poem. Yes, love can be an addiction, and like any addiction, it is hard to get out of it.

July 18th, 2017 12:55