Comments received on poems by mikaylamaslin

Poetic Dan said:

Beautifully done but sadly I know many even one my own mum that is stuck at the start.
Thank you for helping break this chain with these inspiring words.

July 30th, 2017 17:18

Accidental Poet said:

And Happy Birthday.

July 30th, 2017 17:17

Accidental Poet said:

Your courage and stamina carried you through some of the worst times of your life. And now your bravery pulled you along and made you a better person for leaving him. I\'ve always believed in \"What goes around, comes around\", and he will get his due fairness. Great entry.

July 30th, 2017 17:16


Welcome MIKAYLA ~ Thanks for your first powerful and very graphic first poem and i get the message \"NO BULL S**T PLEASE !\". I\'m pleased you said it was a compilation of ANGST that you and your friends have suffered in recent years ! No one LADY should have to suffer all that in a lifetime ! Sometimes I\'m ashamed to be a Man ~ but my MUM told me to respect Ladies and always treat you with TLC ~ and I do ! However sometimes we Man suffer as well ~ so I will take your advice and \"Just take Baby steps !\" Thanks for caring & sharing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

July 30th, 2017 17:00