Comments received on poems by angelene.nicole

What Is Love?
Accidental Poet said:

Love is...the one greatest feeling of euphoria any human will ever experience.

August 6th, 2017 18:27

What Is Love?

WELCOME ANGELENE ~ Thank you for your first poem. It is an elegant Love Poem and its subject is LOVE ITSELF ! WHAT IS LOVE ? The first line in each verse is very true \"Won\'t understand \'til you have it\" \"Never really makes sense\" \"We must be committed\" \"You\'ll Know When The Time Is Right !\" I am old enough (33) to be able to relate to all those \"Aspects of Love\". Thanks for caring & sharing ~ more please ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

August 6th, 2017 17:31

What Is Love?
Gary Edward Geraci said:

True love is a foretaste of the love of God for us...

August 6th, 2017 15:14

What Is Love?
myself and me said:

Love, the eternal theme of life. Nice writing.

August 6th, 2017 14:50

What Is Love?
Louis Gibbs said:

A fine poem on love, Angelene! Welcome to MPS! Share some more.

August 6th, 2017 14:31