Comments received on poems by Batgirl-07

Wall of my Heart

WELCOME BATGIRL ~ Thanks for sharing your first poem ~ I love it ! Beautifully written and spaced free verse and a very romantic subject. In my experience all MOM\'s council their DAUGHTERS to be protective of their HEARTS and EMOTIONS ~ BUT ~The WALL can\'t resist for ever ! Us MEN are taught bey our DAD\'s how to woo a Girl ! To be well groomed ~ charming ~ to treat you like Angels ~ to smile ~ to tease ~ to flirt and to breach your shyness and natural defenses and win your love ! You know (its all in your POEM) and I know that First love & Young love is the most beautiful and fulfilling feeling in the whole WORLD ~ AWESOME ! Thanks for caring and sharing ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B.

September 25th, 2017 14:29