Comments received on poems by Mickey89

This hurts so much

WELCOME MICKEY ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ love the flowing pace (rhythm) ~ shape & style ! BUT the contents is O so sad and such things should not happen to loving faithful Girl like YOU. I\'m a Man (34) and i am faithful to my GF (ANGELA 29) and I never say to other Ladies the things I only sy to her. Some MEN are much more fickle and I know from what my female Friend and Students tell me LOVE HURTS ! It seems to me that this GUY is not worthy of you ~ but if you still love Him it poses a Problem ! Thinking of YOU ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

September 28th, 2017 09:22

This hurts so much
Ravenssongbird said:

Heartfelt and visual in the anguish of unlucky love. Really notable expression in this piece.

September 28th, 2017 09:05