Comments received on poems by Cesi

Leave, Leave, Leave
Shadowbox15 said:

Thank you for the message. It was a well written poem, and I hope that you’ll write more like it.

November 14th, 2017 20:10

Leave, Leave, Leave

Welcome CESI ~ Thanks for your first Poem. It is very sad and represents a REAL LIFE SITUATION ! There are many reasons why a vulnerable LADY is trapped in a violent marriage and is scared to escape ! Sometimes Chidren are involved and she does not want to leave theem with a violent Father ~ sometimes she believes he will hunt her down and kill her and sometimes she hopes against hope that he will change for the better. Thanks for caring & sharing ~ in the UK we have \"Safe Houses\" to protect such Ladies ~ if they are willing to come ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B.

November 14th, 2017 17:03