Comments received on poems by Adash0fflow

Northern Lights
Lorna said:

Lovely poem - aurora borealis is worth feeling the cold for!

March 5th, 2018 06:14

Caring dove said:

brilliant poem! :-) a powerful expression of someone literally turning your world upside down and destroying it!

I suffocated in your wake,
crushed by your gravity.\'\'
some people are simply too overbearing and too much , however seemingly brilliant they may be., if they bring only destruction then they are not worth it! some people cannot help but bring destruction into other peoples lives, whether they mean to or not ...

March 3rd, 2018 04:40

Christina8 said:

This is a great first poem! I would agree in your last line that inescapable. Wonderful job, can\'t wait to read more!

November 25th, 2017 19:32

Syd said:

Great poem. \"A beautiful disaster\" I love that - Syd

November 25th, 2017 07:51


WELCOME FRIEND ~ Thanks for a very challenging first Poem. It has happened to most MEN and certainly to me over the past 17 years (I\'m 34). It does HURT but my Love Mantra is: \"Better to have loved a BEAUTIFUL DISASTER ~ than never to have loved at all\" I love close encounters of the \"Exotic Love\" kind. I am currently in a very piquant relationship ~ with ANGELA. Thanks for sharing it stirred my MEMORY ! Please check my site ~ Yours BRIAN

November 25th, 2017 05:15