Comments received on poems by luana

The silent
Lorna said:

I think quiet people are very often misjudged. I was pathologically shy as a young person and had people attack me for all kinds of things I wasn\'t even thinking..... people are inexplicable.....

February 10th, 2018 06:58

The silent

WILLKOMMEN ~ LUANA ~ Danke fur Ihr erstes Gedict ! Loved the Poem because it describes exactly how I feel ~ when those who hardly know me call me inapplicable names ~ It hurts a bit ~ but not much because they are the losers for not really getting to know the real me ! You imply the same attitude in your ripostes ! Not SILENT but a THUNDERSTORM ~ Not UGLY but a Deep Bleck Ocean ~ Shining under the Moonlight ~ Not STRANGE but CHARMING & FRIENDLY ~ Lovely ! I visited the German Christmas Markets ~ in DECEMBER and loved them all ~ especially the GLUWEIN und BRATWURST ! Please visit my Poems ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

February 9th, 2018 16:40