Comments received on poems by A.A.

Try Again
Caring dove said:

very nice :-) maybe the stars are a sign of hope

February 22nd, 2018 19:01

The Trees

WELCOME \"AA\" ~ Thanks for your first Poem ~ beautifully penned but so melancholy ! I can empathise ~ at times when I have ;lost someone close to me (for whatever reason) I commune with nature and the trees and find more solace than talking to People ! And trees do breath (CO2 in ~ O2 out) symbiotically with our breathing (O2 in ~ CO2 out) which is one reason why we find trees so soothing ! Thinking of you ~ every Blessing ~ BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B.

February 20th, 2018 16:53

The Trees
clair jane said:


February 20th, 2018 16:48

The Trees
Dallmandaisies said:


February 20th, 2018 16:46

The Trees
Lorna said:

Love this........

February 20th, 2018 16:06