Comments received on poems by Keeya_3

Fear of Reality
Caring dove said:

Life is told to be a struggle and it’s not the first thing we would want to cuddle

this is my favourite line of the poem .... i definately don\'t want to cuddle my life lol good words. no point being fake or unreal .. i agree we should be as genuine as can be

May 6th, 2018 12:33

Fear of Reality
onepauly said:

you leave your thoughts their?
so where are you?
do you know how to create a thought? how about the birth of an idea? good one! the nature of personal reality. keep up the good work!

May 6th, 2018 12:04

Fear of Reality

WLCOME KEEYA ~ Thanks for your first poem ~ interesting ! The title is how many people live their lives \"Fear of Reality\" WHY ? Like you i like to be OPEN (read my poems !) rather than FAKE (we live in a FAKE World !) On MPS most of us are REAL in our Poetry and that is what makes it an exciting site ! We all have FEARS & PHOBIAS but as you say ~ if we meet them head on they evaporate ! Thanks for caring & sharing ~ but not scaring ! More poems please ~ Yours BRIAN (UK) The way MPS works is ~ we read & comment on each others poems and build up a group of MPS Friends ~ I would like to be your FIRST ~ OK ~ B !

May 6th, 2018 11:24