Comments received on poems by Dragon9

Ghost Beyond Eye

WELCOME DRAGON ~ Thanks for your first Poem ~ which is an interesting one to analyse. The title RE-CREATION suggests the Deities (or is it us ?) are recreating themselves for the 21st C ! I lke your mechanistic description of 21st C Man ! I am a BIOCHEMIST ! \"Flesh-being bipedal robotic protein and sugar ~ confined to the laws of the box which inhabits the circle of divination !\" You infer that we are Puppets manipulated by GODS who are our Puppet masters. We have become MACHINES created and GHOST injected ! The SCRIPTURES teach that GOD is unchangeable \"The same Yesterday ~ Today ~ Forever\" In conbtrast MANKIND does change ~ harnesses New Technology and ends up believing He is GOD and that GOD DIED in the 20th C ! BUT we must remember that GOD will always be TRANSCENDENT and IMMANENT in the SPIRITUAL & PHYSICAL Universes ~ irrespective of what we may think ~ AMEN ~ Yours BRIAN
WE must also remember that GOD created us in His own Likeness able to know Him and communicate with Him through Prayer ! This distinguishes us from the Arboreal Brachiators ! Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B. More Poems please !

May 13th, 2018 09:44