Comments received on poems by Snazaroonies

The one I met before

Thanks \"V\" for an elegant poem but with a painful message. I know several People wit varying degrees of Alzheimer\'s and other mental impairment. The ones I feel most for are those who know they are locked in mental illness but also know there is no escape. Just a slow frustrated DEATH. Thanks for caring ~ Yours BRIAN & ANGELA Thanks for being our FRIEND ~ B & A !

November 20th, 2018 12:17

Midnight prowl

Welcome to MPS \"V\" (Snazaroonies is a great name) Thanks for sharing your first Poem ~ Midnight Prowl ~ Well written with a good Rhythm & Rhyme. Love the brashness of \"Sitting on the Cobblestones @ Midnight ~ did it often when I was a TEEN ! I too felt I could drown in the Wind ! When it got too dark to think I went home and my Mum had always left me a Flask of cocoa and a cake ! Your Poem brought back memories. I share this site with my Fiancee Angela who is working in Auckland (NZ) til next September so I to am alone ! MPS works by reading & commenting on each others Poems (more please !) Yours BRIAN Please check our site ~ Thanks B & A.

November 19th, 2018 18:55