Comments received on poems by _unleash_your_creativity_

You Changed
markziff said:

I feel we all go through this, for one reason or another, some come through, others don\'t. There is nothing in this word as dangerous than the voice in your own head. 😔

April 29th, 2020 16:07

Part 2: The girl I once was
dusk arising said:

Oh easy peasey to answer that one. LOL Easy for some old fogey like me but not so easy for you who is experiencing it. BUT... here goes... you know that lovely feeling you get on a lovely day when the sun is shining and you are somewhere really nice,or that feeling when you look up at the moon and that blanket of stars and get that feeling of who am i, what am i, where do i fit in..... yes you do know it cos you\'re as human as i am. Well kiddo, you are made from the same stuff as the stars and moon and that\'s a fact and more importantly you have as much right to be here as those stars and the trees which seem to enjoy the breeze stirring through their branches.
For you today may be a dull day but play the waiting game and it will brighten up and take you to places of smiling joy one way or another. Love this world and it will love you back.... never under sell yourself... you are a wonderful creation... and a poet too!

March 14th, 2020 10:40

Part 1: The girl I once was
dusk arising said:

If anyone tries to answer your questions they will be wrong because only you have those answers. The answers may not be clear to you today but relax, we all go through a similar search of ourselves.
I suspect the answers will arrive after you stop looking for them. Seems to happen a lot.

March 13th, 2020 08:57

A Thought
dominick beltran said:

Great message, I relate to the the poem. Great job!

March 12th, 2020 14:42

A Thought
_unleash_your_creativity_ said:

The art of writing, don’t be afraid of your thoughts and feelings. I wrote this when I was in a dark place. For those of you struggling, keep on pushing through. Love ❤️

March 12th, 2020 08:38

You Changed
Goldfinch60 said:

Those buses have a great deal to answer for, good write Shannon.

Welcome to MPS.

January 29th, 2020 01:56

You Changed

ANGELA HERE - Hi Shannon (nice name) - Welcome to MPS - the best Poems are written on the BUS ! Thanks for sharing yout first Poem. It is an excellent Free Verse prose Poem with excellent flow & readability ! the content is melancholy - I sometimes felt like that when I was 16 - Im 31 now and getting married in APRIL ! We can all remember times when we moved from Fulness to Emptyness ! From dancing to silence - when our inner demons took over - horrible ! We hated the change. Our MANTRA in these situations should be *Im not giving up !* It is important but sadly we sometimes choose to wear a mask of CONFORMATION ! It is only when we are alone that the horror of our situation hits us ! Thank GOD that was three years ago and you overcame (rebuked) your demons and you can look back with your Head held High and your demons vanquished ~ AMEN !

Blessings & Peace & Joy
Yours ANGELA 🧡🧡🧡
Please check our site - Thanks A & B

January 28th, 2020 18:57