Comments received on poems by akati

The Mind
Goldfinch60 said:

Akati, at a young age the mind sees problems in life but those problems are there for you to solve and each one solved adds to you experience and experience cannot be taught. Face the challenges and your life will grow into the wonderful place it will become.

Welcome to MPS.

February 24th, 2020 01:14

The Mind

BRIAN HERE ~ GOOD DAY ~ AKATI (Eagerness ?) welcome to MPS ~ it is an EMPATHETIC site and opperates by reading & commenting on each other Poems ~ OK. Thanks for your first Poem. It is an excellent *free verse* ode straight from the heart & mind of a TEEN ! We were all TEENS once (Im 36) so we can empathise. I\'ll say at this point in my comment that LIFE does become more coherent as you mature ! Im even getting married this Year now that I have a better understanding of Ladies ! Angela is 31 ! In V 1. You are hungry (another meaning of your name !) for a better understanding of life ! V 2. You have ambition but it is hampered by loneliness ~ something we all experience at times ! V 3. We do IDENTIFY with those we meet ! V 4. YES ! The World is an open mind & LOVE is all around but perhaps we have to put it on hold for later ? V 5. Sure our Teen minds are too insecure to cope with all our emotions of love - lust - anger - sadness & madness even ~ BUT ~ believe me it really does get better ~ ask your GRANDAD ! V 6. HOPE is so so important in all situation we must hang on to HOPE ! V 7. YES AKATI ~ The World will always be *strange and open minded* however much time we have & Scientists tell us 117 years is the MAX ! How ever much we SEE ~ FEEL & PERCEIVE ! BUT just keep on Seeing - Feeling & Peceiving and (in my experience) by the time yiou*re 30 it will begin to make much more sense ~ AMEN ! Loved your POEM it really made me think about my own Journey into REALITY ~ MORE PLEASE !

Peace & Joy & Understanding ~ Yours BRIAN (England ~ UK)

February 23rd, 2020 11:58