Comments received on poems by krystol_1144

The broken heart

ANGELA HERE - Good Evening KRYSTOL (Cool Name !) welcome to MPS - it is a PROACTIVE SITE and operates by reading - and commenting on each others Poems - OK. Thanks for your first poem - replete with Rhyme & Rhythm easy to read & recite. The hallmarks of Good Poetry. I love *Love Poems* but often they are melancholy ! In my experience of 12 years of dating (before I met Brian my Fiancee - when I was 28) a Ladies Heart is more easily broken (and stays broken longer) than a Mans ! My Heart was overwhelmed with Love but also (several times) BROKEN ! The experience was exactly as you describe it in your very elegant poem! BUT broken hearts do slowly recover and I took a chance with love once again\'. When I (28) met Brian (33) three years ago - the quality of LOVE we shared was very different. We are getting married in April and I really know that neither of our hearts will ever be broken again ! Thanks for caring & sharing - more poems please !

Blessings & Peace & Joy
Yours Angela ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค๐Ÿงก
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March 7th, 2020 18:57