Comments received on poems by Savvy_walia

If-to exist

BRSIAN HERE ~ Good Evening *SW* welcome to MPS ~ it is a proactive site and opperates by reading & commenting on each others Poems ~ OK ! Thans for your first Poem & success with your BOOK !
You pose a QUESTION *If to Exist* and suggest four possibilities.

1. A star in the sky ~ ASTRAL
2. To own a light ~ LUMINOUS
3. A wind crrying signs ~ EPHEMERAL
4. To grace a sigh ~ EMOTIONAL

Im 36 so in my limited experience of Life I have been all these things Astral - Luminous - Ephemeral (transient) & Emotional but never all simultaniously ~ Ive only been married Five days so I have much to learn. However it is how I have coped with these four States that has increased my Maturity and abled me to cope with a PANDEMIC like CORVID 19 ~ How are you coping ?

Please check our site ~ thanks You
Blessings & Peace & Joy

March 27th, 2020 19:10