Comments received on poems by babyhicks

Listen america

GOOD AFTERNOON FRIEND ~ Welcome to MPS ~ Thanks for your first Poem and very chalenging comment on AMERICA under LOCKDOWN under TRUMP ! We (Husband & Wife) have visited several US States and to us each one is like a different European Country ! Accent - cuisine - music - dancing - church - climate - topography etc etc. Hawaii & Alaska are on different Planets ! BUT I (Brian) was 18 and in the US during 911 (2001) and as I traveled with my Parents through different States *I saw ONE NATION and one outpouring of Empathy for NEW YORK - NEW YORK* Even in Texas there were POSTERS saying PRAY FOR NEW YORK ! Maybe GEORGE BUSH Jnr was a more cohesive President than Trump but we witnessed ONE NATION under GOD after 911. It is Prayer & Cooperation ~ that will defeat COVIC 19 in America not the WORSHIP of the DOLLAR & the US Economy. In a PANDEMIC the Rich die with the Poor ~ viruses are no respector of PRINCES or PAUPERS ! Under BORIS JOHNSON (A Capitalist like Trump) restoring the Economy is also in the UKs scamble to get Industry working again & too some extent ignoring Masking & Social Distancing ! Thnaks for Caring & Sharing. MPS works by reading & commenting on each others sites ~ please check ours !

Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
Love Brian & Angela 💛💛💛

July 13th, 2020 13:48