Listen america


What has happened in the world today..... children dont even go outside to play....

Dont go around no one.....

Cover ur face.... please stay away.... 

The fights are starting in the streets.... no respect for our soldiers.... not even the ones that went to there grave to show America could never be beat.... 

Sacrifices made so we could be free..... now to became slaves..... just as they had planed it to be.....

Having us turn on each other.... fighting in the streets...

Part 2 of the their plan is now compete....

See if we stood strong and United we would never suffer defeat....

That why they play us against the other.... keep us separated.... trying to erase history.... everything we knew will soon become a mystery..... 

Hypnotizing.... becoming prisoners.. do their will......

Control our every movement.....

Those who wont listen will be killed... 

America Listen to my words and listen well... rise together and make a stand...

One nation under god.... not one nation under man......

  • Author: babyhicks (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 13th, 2020 02:33
  • Comment from author about the poem: Our freedom...
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 14
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    GOOD AFTERNOON FRIEND ~ Welcome to MPS ~ Thanks for your first Poem and very chalenging comment on AMERICA under LOCKDOWN under TRUMP ! We (Husband & Wife) have visited several US States and to us each one is like a different European Country ! Accent - cuisine - music - dancing - church - climate - topography etc etc. Hawaii & Alaska are on different Planets ! BUT I (Brian) was 18 and in the US during 911 (2001) and as I traveled with my Parents through different States *I saw ONE NATION and one outpouring of Empathy for NEW YORK - NEW YORK* Even in Texas there were POSTERS saying PRAY FOR NEW YORK ! Maybe GEORGE BUSH Jnr was a more cohesive President than Trump but we witnessed ONE NATION under GOD after 911. It is Prayer & Cooperation ~ that will defeat COVIC 19 in America not the WORSHIP of the DOLLAR & the US Economy. In a PANDEMIC the Rich die with the Poor ~ viruses are no respector of PRINCES or PAUPERS ! Under BORIS JOHNSON (A Capitalist like Trump) restoring the Economy is also in the UKs scamble to get Industry working again & too some extent ignoring Masking & Social Distancing ! Thnaks for Caring & Sharing. MPS works by reading & commenting on each others sites ~ please check ours !

    Blessings & Peace to You & Yours
    Love Brian & Angela 💛💛💛

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