Comments received on poems by realistgirl

The day i got raped
Paul Price said:

I dont know what to say, just hope you get to write a lot of happy poems that come from your heart...

October 7th, 2011 20:57

The day i got raped
nair36 said:

I cried, you spilled your heart into this. my friends have had the same issue happen to them and the thing they all have in common is they have the strength to share it making them stronger than the person who's done them wrong. your strong

August 1st, 2010 22:33

The day i got raped
Jorge G Sifuentes said:

Writing it and sharing it, shows already what a strong heart you've develope.... I'm sure the kindness isn't gone..
Ilike strong willed hearts like yours...
thank sfor sharing...

July 15th, 2010 07:04

The day i got raped
lulu said:

from girl 2 girl..i really understand what u went through & i'm glad that it made u stronger..most ppl don't get up after falling but u did so..GOOD JOB.. & never say never really not the song for ur information it's 4 justin bieber listen 2 t it's nice

loooool :P

July 13th, 2010 10:48