Comments received on poems by Romaan Jawwad

The Burning Earth
L. B. Mek said:

a powerful and impassioned read, truly!
thanks for sharing..
(it\'s just, my memory fails me
not sure there\'s anything written
in God\'s name, that started with the letter
\'I - monotonously\': but
maybe that\'s the point and that\'s why
so many, like me
just don\'t qualify, as having merited
to be worthy
of all-that \'Godly: empathy\', reserved for those
of \'your fellowship - and only\'...)
\'I look at you dying away,
I see you being imbeciles.\'
\'I can\'t touch the water droplets you waste,
I can warn you as I meet my fate.\'

July 19th, 2021 05:22

The Burning Earth
Goldfinch60 said:

Maybe those in power who are able to deal with this may wake up to it soon but only if there is money and power in it for them.

Welcome to MPS.

July 19th, 2021 01:24

The Burning Earth
flyingfish said:

Gaia to the rescue on Planet Water.
I hear ants have been nominated as the next king of beasts here, as Gaia is fed up with big brain bipeds. Cheers

July 18th, 2021 14:34