Comments received on poems by joleneadams

Can you see me
L. B. Mek said:

Sing your Truth! a powerful write..
but remember, to utilise that same sympathy you\'re asking for,
when you\'re dealing with others..
grow, and overcome your unfortunate\'s of life
soar high and free, until
you can see those fortunate aspects in your dawn\'s horizon..
(keep writing and sharing,
not only to create more awareness, but to allow yourself an opportunity to find those lost truth\'s about yourself, that get muddled up, if allowed to remain hidden inside)
and remember, you are Not your mental state,
rather, your mental condition is a reflection of your \'current\', state
and you can always strive to Change your life\'s \'momentary\' state..
like a facebook profile, begin with willingly changing your status
and intrust the universe do the rest...
I wish you the very best,
I\'m proud to be a witness to your fight for a chance of happiness...
Stay strong!

September 9th, 2021 03:54