Comments received on poems by GiraffineUploads

Thekkinkkattil said:

You have analysed the human mind in depth and presented it very well. These negative thoughts come to all of us. I think poetry writing is good outlet.

September 14th, 2021 03:56

L. B. Mek said:

informative, sincere and poetic
a good read, thanks for sharing and helping create awareness

September 14th, 2021 03:18

I Don\'t Wanna Talk About It
GiraffineUploads said:

Appreciate your comments. Its funny how art can be interpereted differently by everyone.
PS. I am happily married. :)

September 13th, 2021 12:17

I Don\'t Wanna Talk About It
L. B. Mek said:

like Dusk, wisely advised above:
\'Do not rush to be in love.
It\'s really that, simple.\'
(How can I love others when I don’t love myself?\')
how about, you start
with laughing, if you find something amusing, however random
however small,
even a fluttering giggle counts,
then maybe you try do it again, or try to find something that can make you smile,
is there nothing? are you sure?
seen a goat freeze in mid-step and drop, being startled? no idea what I\'m on about, check it out
they even do it mid leap...
seen, a new born giraffe trying to come to terms with their long legs? no idea, again
try and check it out...
in short, life\'s kinda absurd and has so many things to amuse us with, so instead of fighting-it, why not give-in
let it gift you an escape, even for a fleeting minute or two
then, try and build on those minutes, strive to cultivate them into buildings blocks to an anchor in life
Fight, with all you\'ve got
for yourself, first and foremost and simply try to insure you pass over to the great unknown with as little of regret, in your allocated baggage for experiencing existence..
(really liked your honesty and relatable word choices, keep writing and sharing)

September 10th, 2021 04:19

I Don\'t Wanna Talk About It
dusk arising said:

The storm will pass and you will look out from the tree and see things you love. Know yourself for the things you love and love yourself for the pleasure they give you for that will give you worth and self esteem. Do not rush to be in love.
It\'s really that simple.

September 9th, 2021 13:50