Comments received on poems by Simple Tendencies

Gnawing Dark
L. B. Mek said:

I\'m overwhelmed by your wonderful imagery, this was beautifully written
but maybe, in this rare case
that detracts a little from the pertinent points you\'re making,
another intimate, and insightful read,
thanks for sharing, dear poet

October 5th, 2021 04:37

L. B. Mek said:

as a motorhead myself, I have so many memories attached
to vehicle metaphors, some crystalized mementos of life\'s beautiful experiences, and other\'s
too, car-crash gruesome
to pitch, to a horror fanatic..
(thanks for sharing, dear poet
really liked this lines)
\'I sigh, once
leaning on myself, as a pillar
And focus
on reattaching the wheel
to navigate the road. But
it’s too dark, now
and, You
took the moon, with you...\'

October 4th, 2021 05:01

Thoughts on Writing #1
L. B. Mek said:

I think none of us know, really..
sometimes I read what I\'ve written from a few years back
and I have no idea, even
with that date stamp to help me recall
what I must have going through, or feeling
for me to come up with such alien words,
but then at other times, I realise
that me inking - out, so much scarlet
on what was once, a stranger of a blank canvas - connection,
has helped me, make it
to the Today - me,
reading and reflecting, calmly
while breathing, easily
and maybe, there\'s a Tomorrow
where I can look back, at the problems of today
with that same luxury relief, of distance...
(another wonderfully intimate write, dear Poet
thanks for sharing)

October 4th, 2021 04:54

Calling Mom at 2:37 AM on the side of a highway
L. B. Mek said:

everything I read from you, is so raw
and bravely-so,
that I inevitably have to blink away, the moisture of built-up emotions...
sing your Truth, dear Poet
bellow it Loud and Proud, for its melodies invoke something truly unique: in the Worthy!
thank you!

September 27th, 2021 05:50

Does Anyone Think How I Think?
L. B. Mek said:

\'I ask these questions, not as a rumination,
nor a ruination,
nor any kind of rationale
that ponders the intricate clockwork
of the working mind.\'
that \'Clockwork Orange\', of a chaotic creativity, that we\'ve all dipped,
our now seared, fingertips - in
from Time to Time...
poetry as a form of self healing\'s: self-expression, is a wonderful tool
but like all tools, it takes time to wield-it, just right
keep writing, keep striving, keep sharing
keep healing!

September 24th, 2021 04:47

Does Anyone Think How I Think?
rebmasters said:

A stunning image:

\'while I flee
from the bus stop,
raincoat shining like a gold coin
at the bottom of a fountain.\'

Absolutely beautiful ❤️

September 24th, 2021 03:37

Does Anyone Think How I Think?
Caring dove said:

Engaging read ... some very strong lines here ... I especially like these lines

‘raincoat shining like a gold coin

at the bottom of a fountain.’

Do they hear the songs

that flow and morph

and dance to their own tempos,

like cascading light waves

A strong piece of writing ) very expressive

September 24th, 2021 01:06

L. B. Mek said:

let it all out!
it helps sometimes, but even if it doesn\'t
still feels good doing it, lol
thanks for sharing, definitely a relatable read

September 23rd, 2021 03:28

HannahElisabeth said:

The last two stanzas... I felt this in my soul, friend.

September 22nd, 2021 15:05

Danica said:


September 22nd, 2021 09:55

L. B. Mek said:

let no one, dictate: your worth!
those lines, they\'ll heal and scar
and flake and scare again
ingrain themselves into your skin, as deep as the pain that created them, But
they will also, Gift you lessons
should you heed them
not because, that\'s what\'s Best for you
not because, those who Love you - want you to,
no! none of that matters
instead, dear Poet
next time your trembling fingers pass over those scars, in the middle of the night
don\'t brush past hurriedly,
take your time, let your fingertips - linger
and force yourself to remember what you felt,
Before, During and most Importantly: After...
that hollowness, seeping-in
that\'s the futility, in self-harm;
that shame and embarrassment, welling up, that\'s from knowing: you would do anything to save your loved ones from going through this pain,
and those tears, are your repressed feeling\'s begging for an avenue of escape
because if you don\'t share them and \'Shed them\',
but instead harbour and continue to allow them to dictate your life,
all they\'ll do is fester and insure that part of your heart,
\'hurts gangrene for life!
if you\'re seeking help, already: good for you..
if you\'re not, remember
a friend with an empathetic ear
is just as effective as a therapist,
you just need to find someone to trust
and Choose to Fight!
by unloading all that ache inside
then, maybe one day
when the world you see isn\'t so bleak and blurry
reach out your hand and help someone else, survive and fight
pay it forward and find yourself growing
into the person
You Know You Already Are: Inside!
(forgive me for writing such an overzealous and impassioned - cringe, of a comment)
thanks for sharing,
\'Fight the good fight\' and trust, that\'s all anyone can ever ask of you!
\'Rage, rage against the dying of the light.\'
( )

September 21st, 2021 04:08

L. B. Mek said:

\'Cedar trees spew pollen onto the front of the Ford,
And seek to undo all the progress I’ve made

Washing the windshield for the past ten minutes.\'
(the first two lines, evoke relatable sentiments in a reader
adding the third line, tips-it towards \'description\' and distracts from the poetry that you\'ve already crafted so beautifully,
\'in my most humble opinion\'
less is more, as they say) lol
forgive my opinionated commentary, dear Poet
as rude as I am being, try to imagine I mean well..
(really like reading this poignant write as it is, although it still has a lot of potential to evolve,
thanks for sharing)
there\'s a song by the great lyricist/singer Blake Shelton
titled \'I lived it\'
and it reminded me so much of your write, its lyrics begin:
\'Daddy drove the wheels off a flatbed Ford
Flies found the hole in the old screen door
Granny said the dress that my sister wore
To church wasn\'t long enough
Momma poured grease in a Chrisco can
Put a hundred thousand miles on a Sears box fan
Uncle Joe put tobacco on my hand where
The yellow jacket\'s torn me up
And I ain\'t making this up
Oh, you think I\'m talking crazy
In a different language you might not understand
Oh, that\'s alright
That\'s just the kind of life that made me who I am
Just taking my mind on a visit
Back in time cos I miss it
You wouldn\'t know how to love it like I love it
Unless you lived it
And man, I lived it\'
( )

September 21st, 2021 03:44

But I don\'t hate Winter
L. B. Mek said:

\'But I don\'t hate Winter.
And I don\'t hate you.
I love the way you talk and walk,
and all the things you do.\'
there\'s a subtle undertone
of raw sensitivity
that underlines all your emotive wording,
kinda like its written, with every syllable imbued
with the spirit of a Blues saxophonist..
its a privilege to read your bravery, dear Poet

September 21st, 2021 03:29

Summer water is just as cold
L. B. Mek said:

\'\"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,--that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.\"
( )
oft, when I read someone unflinchingly bare their Truth\'s, with such sincerity
this quote by Keats\', comes back to me and my interpretation of it, which is:
acceptance, of our own crippling Truth\'s
is us, at our most defiantly Beautiful...
(may your Poetry, forever remain
humble, true and defiantly beautiful)
another great read, dear Poet

September 17th, 2021 04:40

Downtown, Loganville 2000
rebmasters said:

Tes rêves sont de la poésie, mon ami

Absolutely beautiful - I want to read more please x

September 16th, 2021 06:42

Downtown, Loganville 2000
L. B. Mek said:

\'I dream of writing.\'
no, dear Poet
you\'re already: writing your dreams into reality..
your path will either be short and easy or long and arduous, but what\'s not in question: is your poetic talent..
enjoy the journey,
strive for the Art, over the recognition,
stay Bold and True, never
substitute the integrity of your words for their hollow placations and praises..
best of luck to your ambitions!
it was a privilege to read your genius, sincerely

September 16th, 2021 04:48