Comments received on poems by robin jayne

law of motion
L. B. Mek said:

great title, wonderfully penned again
thanks for sharing
\'my mind and all my thoughts, burst
with late energy and say

let’s think, about all the things
that we neglected **today\'

November 12th, 2021 05:32

i don’t know you
L. B. Mek said:

really appreciate how centred you poetic voice is becoming, a lot less wasted lines in your poetry;
instead, favouring that acutely succinct delivery
of a blossoming wordsmith, whose learnt to identify
and accept, the veracity of your instinctive creativity
no need, for lengthy meaningless explanations, as pre-emptive excuses
or those, because-of - clauses
in your poetry,
just you, at one with your wholehearted ink
and owning your poetic expression..
a beautiful tone, to identify in a promising Poet\'s palette;
thank you! for choosing to share
(please forgive me if you find offense with anything I\'ve said above, I meant well)

November 11th, 2021 03:58

my time
L. B. Mek said:

\'and i have so much of it\'
I promise you, it only seems - that way;
Time, is a mirage at best
a conniving influence, fuelling
our procrastinations
so instead: run, run - Run!
Experience, Live, Feel
try, not to waste a single milisecond
and remember, through it all
to take a minute or two
to appreciate
all the gifts in your life,
like the sky you get to admire for free
or that last laughter, teasing a rare smile
or that scrumptious bite
or sweet sip, that hit the spot..
Enjoy, this flitting Ride: we\'ve labelled life!

November 9th, 2021 05:29

what i’ll do
L. B. Mek said:

people like that
are often, gifted and burdened
with that deepest potential
to love, another - wholeheartedly
and so, inevitably
once they taste, the bitterness of reality
they: learn
to put up their barbed wire defences
of survival...
(a great write, thanks for sharing)

November 8th, 2021 05:10

exhaustion’s hymn
L. B. Mek said:

\'i am tired of pretending to do backstrokes against the current of the tidal wave\'
(then try, turning and faking
butterfly strokes, instead
take a moment
each time you inhale deep
before diving-in and
then rejoice, each time
you break the surface
for that next essential breadth,
allow yourself, a chance to look around you
once in a while, maybe
then, you can see the sky, as just
A - sky
being its imposing, majestic self
but having never - ever, touched
the very earth
we, take for granted)

\'mature people know how to compose themselves in stressful situations
i, as a forming adult, have yet to earn this badge\'
(do you know, how they too
earned their badge? yup
by learning the hard way, just like you are doing: successfully..
and the more composure they seem to showcase, you must remember
for most of them, that\'s a reflection
of how hard their suffering, must have been
for them to have a developed such impressive traits of fortitude)
anyway, in my own elongated and lame way
all I\'m saying is, from what I read
and your ability to expressive yourself, so forthrightly
it seems like you\'re developing
into a highly aware, considerate and sincere \'Adult\'
maybe, celebrate that fact a little
and concentrate on cultivating these wonderful traits, you\'re already showcasing
maybe then, things may look
a little less overwhelming..
either way, thank you!
for choosing to share
and demonstrating Poetry\'s innate utility, as a tool
for purposed introspection

November 2nd, 2021 04:36

exhaustion’s hymn
Paul Bell said:

I think as humans, we load the world upon ourselves, then we wonder why we punch walls in frustration. Yet, when we stroll, the world strolls with us. There is no rush in life, like there is no failure. Little changes go a long way, and a little laughter will set your confidence sky high.

November 1st, 2021 16:32

exhaustion’s hymn
Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose) said:

Sorry you feel this way ( self care is important .. caring for yourself , not just everyone ejse .

A sad writing

November 1st, 2021 14:46

Paul Bell said:

Some just never leave you, even the amputation still leave the living scars.
Short of exorcism, it\'s all containment.

October 27th, 2021 05:55

L. B. Mek said:

and like fine Wine
your words, dance
on the tips of our poetic taste buds
seeping, ever-deep
and nudging, awake
those blind corners, of our blunted awareness...
(what a wonderful talent
you\'ve been blessed with;
I feel privileged to read your wonderful poetry,
thank you! for choosing to share
dear Poet)

October 26th, 2021 04:28

jarcher54 said:

I had those awkward tan lines from whole summers at the river... the only part of me that wasn\'t bronze was a line where my beads hung on my chest! I almost missed what you meant by red solos... those weren\'t around when I was a kid. And we had no sunroof... it was the back of a pick-up for us! Compelling whine, RJ!

October 26th, 2021 00:15

dusk arising said:

Great memories recalled are never lost.... they bring us smiles from our youth, joy that we are what we were only older, bigger, more subdued.

I really enjoyed this vibrant piece

October 25th, 2021 18:39

michaelm said:

well written

October 24th, 2021 10:31

Paul Bell said:

Is the chaser better than being chased, who knows in the game of cat and mouse. Is monogamy outdated these days.

October 24th, 2021 10:13