Comments received on poems by Lily May Emerald

L. B. Mek said:

Parents voicing concerns in a
\'mother tongue\' that\'s becoming
a stranger
with every alphabet, we forget
stolen cultures
by that thieving plague of Time
but still, we try to reconnect
attempt to belong, but
for every word in a sentence
we can\'t, grasp
our tethers to that who
we\'re supposed to be
loosens its grip, becoming
more frail by the day;
so, exasperated and deflated
we abandon it all
choose to invest in the abundant
all around us, this adopted land
that\'s offered us salvation
and we begin, to speak like them
think like them, become them
when time\'s get tough and taxes
get hiked
we\'re denoted
to mere drains on resources
stared at, like strangers
by those we called friends, just yesterday!
(and they think
chose this life...)

August 22nd, 2022 03:17