Comments received on poems by Almost

Endless Battles
L. B. Mek said:

worded torment and strife
that sensation of drowning, beneath
our life\'s burdens
is expressed so distinctly
through your words..
a relatable read, thanks for sharing..
(sorry for your troubles
and yes, poetry
is at best, merely a band-aid
in the face of life\'s true horrors
maybe that band-aid, can help
buy you a few seconds of breath
to ease the onslaught)
all the very best!

February 14th, 2022 05:05

Almost is never enough
Rocky Lagou said:

The title is so true. Preach! 🙌

February 7th, 2022 13:46

Almost is never enough
L. B. Mek said:

no, but
I think some people do like that \'almost\' ending,
they like having the bruises, to weave
their party piece, tales of woe
but then, they also like that feeling of starting something new,
so for them, it always \'seems\', to be enough...
(thanks for sharing
could really relate to your words)

February 7th, 2022 05:22

Almost is never enough
somthingpoetry. said:

omg i love this

February 7th, 2022 00:21

Monster\'s mind
L. B. Mek said:

\'Flinching as you reach for me
Somehow pushing you back
There is no explanation
Conversation is not my friend
Anxiety whispers mockingly\'..
how your words, invoke and paint
a generation\'s, warped association
with \'touch\'
that goes way beyond, skin conversations..
(just brilliantly brave and relatable
thank you, for sharing dear Poet)

February 4th, 2022 06:27

L. B. Mek said:

what of your window\'s, of life
do they, offer you any insight
through considered, observation
maybe a hint, at how
everyone else is dealing with similar
overwhelmingly suffocating, issues
but yet, managed to find a way
to pull on their inner strength
and path their progression
to that next,
and the next after that
and on...
(sorry for your struggles
hope writing about them
helps you to realise
they are not as formidable
as they want you
to think they are)
thanks for sharing

February 3rd, 2022 05:10

carolina said:

i’ve related to this deeply for years
all i can say it
give yourself a hug and comfort you’re inner child. it’s the best thing to do for yourself
you’re amazing

February 2nd, 2022 21:38

carolina said:

i’ve related to this deeply for years
all i can say it
give yourself a hug and comfort you’re inner child. it’s the best thing to do for yourself
you’re amazing

February 2nd, 2022 21:38

carolina said:

i’ve related to this deeply for years
all i can say it
give yourself a hug and comfort you’re inner child. it’s the best thing to do for yourself
you’re amazing

February 2nd, 2022 21:38

MendedFences27 said:

Think of yourself first. Let others come to you. The right partner will arrive when least expected. Search for your own peace, help others find theirs.
Your writing, your call for an \"echo,\"
seemed to me to be just that a search for peace. \"Walls are not good listeners\" and people are often like walls. Don\'t beat against them. Reach out to others, until you find the right one
Your writing sparked this long-winded spurt of philosophy. Much appreciated. Enjoyed it all.- Phil A.

February 2nd, 2022 20:27

L. B. Mek said:

nice imagery and flow
thanks for sharing

January 31st, 2022 06:35