Comments received on poems by fenaomi88

Butterfly Kisses
L. B. Mek said:

I couldn\'t help relating
your words to Pink\'s lyrics
from the song, \'Who Knew\':
\'\'If someone said
three years from
You\'d be long
I\'d stand up and punch them out
\'Cause they\'re all wrong
I know better
\'Cause you said forever
And ever
Who knew\'\'
(admittedly the songs lyrics refer
to a more youthful, love
but still I couldn\'t help connecting
that same disbelief and anguish
that things had to end-up, the way
they did)
thanks for sharing, I hope
there is till more pages to
of your Responsible Parent\'s, stories
either with 2nd chances
or new beginnings..
(and for the loss, your words
hint at)
I can only, empathise
and praise your strength
for overcoming, or
at least learning to breathe
through the pain..
stay Strong! dear poet
I wish you peace

June 9th, 2022 04:49