Comments received on poems by T.C.O.30

The gir
L. B. Mek said:

this write is good, trust me..
the response you receive
is not a reflection of your poetic
skill or ability
for few so-called, poet\'s
can read or choose to..
poetry, in our century is sadly
more self-involved, than ever
a narrow perspective, cheap
roleplay-therapy, session
if you will;
so people rage in-to their, dear dairy
of ink
hoping to heal themselves
and yet, finding
it hard to read back
their own works and comprehend
let alone, have the awareness
to read and appreciate
some stranger\'s words..
be kind to yourself
as its unlikely, other\'s
will be kind to you
in life
for no reason)
keep writing, keep growing
keep nurturing your, sense
of worth, and confidence;
Thank you! for choosing to share
dear Poet

July 7th, 2022 03:06