Comments received on poems by alliegcassidy

to whoever is writing my story.
Lorna said:

I love short and well expressed...... loved this........

April 8th, 2023 04:52

a piercing blue.
Lorna said:

Good one.....

April 8th, 2023 04:50

what the trees feel.
Lorna said:

Ooooooo gonna watch for more from you. I like the style............

April 8th, 2023 04:49

the way flowers die.
Lorna said:

So touching......

April 8th, 2023 04:46

self sabotage
Lorna said:

Liked this little shorty very much..... expressed very well.......

April 8th, 2023 04:45

the way flowers die.
L. B. Mek said:

beautiful imagery
with accessible and relatable wording
thanks for sharing

March 27th, 2023 04:27

the way flowers die.
kayla.terry said:

I love this poem! It\'s short and to the point, while also having a meaningful touch to it.

March 26th, 2023 20:14

what the trees feel.
reneesunknown said:

This is absolutely beautiful

March 9th, 2023 11:37

what the trees feel.
Caring dove said:

I like this poem .. nice personification of the tree .. Iā€™m sure the tree would feel loss and pain .. carrying something we love only to lose it is sad .. almost like losing a part of ourselves .. the leaves on the tree.. maybe you can make the poem a bit longer or maybe use some similes or alliteration ..

March 8th, 2023 12:58

what the trees feel.
L. B. Mek said:

(dear Poet, the below
is my feeble attempt at \'constructive criticism\'
if I offend or annoy you in any way
please accept my apology in advance
trust me I only wish i could write a poem like you
and so, please
feel free to ignore my words..
thank you! for sharing a most memorable read)
your poetic exposition on the inevitability of change,
(be it
parents watching children grow n move out
children watching grandparent\'s, age
and move on
is really well imagined
and crystallised
in your imagery rich, poetry
you have utilised an accessible metaphor
and offer a level of brevity with your choice wording..
(i think the work is perfectly fine as it is)
there is elegance, in simplicity of eloquence
a work need not be unnecessarily complex
to fit-in, a poetic form or niche!
maybe, in future
i can suggest, you try adding layers
to the perspective
you portray, which will help you add even more depth
for example:
you could distil and edit this poem
as one lengthy stanza
then maybe offer, a second stanza
with the perspective
of \'that\' unchanging, stone
adding an alternate or a juxtaposed
poetic voice
that witnesses the seasons change
and wishes, it could experience it..
(so maybe an old person looking out the window of old people home
waiting, on nothing
month after month
across the road from a school
watching kids grow, cry, laugh
and experiencing everything with
that zeal of untainted youth
such mechanisms in poetry, help add
and flourish your \'voice\'
and broaden your scope
and thus insuring more people, relate
to your work
(but what do i know)

March 8th, 2023 04:20

to whoever is writing my story.
Feefee said:

If you ever feel like you need to talk to someone and there isn\'t anyone in your life you can go to, feel free to come to me. I\'ll listen and help you in any way.

November 6th, 2022 02:22

to whoever is writing my story.
hopefulsouls said:

this is beautiful and very relatable in these times. i wish you many good times to come and hope that you get to write your own story

November 5th, 2022 12:19

if this is it.
Hollow Enigma said:

Great poem keep writing. Touching and descriptive. A very real feeling of the existence of love.

November 5th, 2022 02:00

to whoever is writing my story.
domilla said:

I love this sooooo much šŸ™ŒšŸ½

November 4th, 2022 23:22

to whoever is writing my story.
E Naughton said:

Take that pen a write a future, a miracle future where you live the life you want! Then trace your way back and find the first step... Beautiful poem

November 4th, 2022 20:30