Comments received on poems by Lex <3

The Undying flame
Accidental Poet said:

And your pen was right on target Lex. It\'s amazing how even with the threat of dying, people will still light up. I used to work with a guy who smoked like a chimney stack. He had to have surgery on his throat. Soon as he got out, he went right back to smoking.

May 2nd, 2023 15:12

Where’s our mind?
Bobby O said:

My much mystery here. I guess it had potential though?

April 30th, 2023 08:26

A Ugly Lullaby
Bobby O said:

Read the poem and really liked it and then noticed I would not have been close if I were to have guessed your age. But that better cuz it doesn’t and shouldn’t matter and I think you will be a champion.

April 29th, 2023 17:57

Cruel truth
L. B. Mek said:

wonderful, thanks for sharing

April 28th, 2023 05:03