Comments received on poems by Natalya
MendedFences27 said:
Sounds like a rut. A repeating schedule. One way to add diversity is to write. And it will take you anywhere.
Your poem presents a glimpse of one form of living. It is clear and to the point. also a bit sad. Thoroughly enjoyable though. - Phil A.
May 17th, 2023 12:03
MendedFences27 said:
Sounds like a rut. A repeating schedule. One way to add diversity is to write. And it will take you anywhere.
Your poem presents a glimpse of one form of living. It is clear and to the point. also a bit sad. Thoroughly enjoyable though. - Phil A.
May 17th, 2023 12:03
Steel Doors
Bobby O said:
I don’t know how it is and I won’t pretend I can even picture the path but I can feel the truth of your words. Poetry is cathartic and that indicates you can still summon the urge to desire and find snippets of hope and from my heart I wish you WELL.
April 30th, 2023 17:23
Bobby O said:
I don’t know how it is and I won’t pretend I can even picture the path but I can feel the truth of your words. Poetry is cathartic and that indicates you can still summon the urge to desire and find snippets of hope and from my heart I wish you WELL.
April 30th, 2023 17:23