Comments received on poems by lettersofminee

Bobby O said:

Now I see it but may I suggest a flawed plan? It doesn’t seem that you hope readers find that emotion , it’s actually a message that enjoins with misplaced hope. I originally complimented because I thought the blend of words formed a nice way to communicate and it still is nice words and nice phrase. But since you agsin drew me in my closer examination reveals a bad plan. I’ll even give you that summed denial intertwining days of now as nicevwrite but in the end it does disservice as it camouflages a certain naïveté Next concept after that brilliance was fir somebody unknown to land around yiu to find and presumably aid or fix or it otherwise provide fir yiu a solution and then six words later you again are back w a plan of an unknown somebody to agsin find and plan and fix and it’s silly. The scarecrow lion and tin guy found out later that they had to generate the fix, them. A kids movie has all the answers yiu need but instead you write find me find me and then hope to be validated when somebody blessed that great EMOTION. THINK AGAIN. that’s a bad plan and it was your own hubris that expired yourself beggin fir a trophy. Look at me look at me. There’s my emotion.

June 30th, 2023 23:24

Bobby O said:

That’s nice. Great phrase w descriptive images that enter the readers mine. That’s a nice level of talent and understanding of the art and your craft.
Nice write good read

June 29th, 2023 21:19

peto said:

This episode appears to have reincarnated your writing ability
Very emotional with sense of loss or sadness
Welcome back

June 29th, 2023 19:23

Bloodorange said:

I felt that when you said • don’t stitch the remains of your soul to a breath ….. don’t linger with a memory you don’t need or person ..

May 12th, 2023 10:03