Comments received on poems by Soman Ragavan
\"The haunted office\" ; 14 June, 2023
Parisab said:
Really interesting concept and presentation!
June 14th, 2023 11:53
Parisab said:
Really interesting concept and presentation!
June 14th, 2023 11:53
\"The village dustmen\" ; 10 June, 2023
S Julyne said:
This poem is mysterious, well-structured, and has a unique meaning. I had fun picturing the images described in your poem, thanks for sharing!
June 14th, 2023 09:44
S Julyne said:
This poem is mysterious, well-structured, and has a unique meaning. I had fun picturing the images described in your poem, thanks for sharing!
June 14th, 2023 09:44
\"Dying unknown (6)\" ; 25 May, 2023
Saxon Crow said:
Ha! Love that you sent it to chatGPT
May 25th, 2023 00:43
Saxon Crow said:
Ha! Love that you sent it to chatGPT
May 25th, 2023 00:43
\"Dying unknown (5)\" ; 24 May, 2023
Saxon Crow said:
The world goes on and on........
A powerful and compelling poem SR. All the more so for its truth.
May 24th, 2023 02:23
Saxon Crow said:
The world goes on and on........
A powerful and compelling poem SR. All the more so for its truth.
May 24th, 2023 02:23
\"Dying unknown (5)\" ; 24 May, 2023
2781 said:
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee:
May 24th, 2023 01:46
2781 said:
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee:
May 24th, 2023 01:46
\"Dying unknown (4)\" ; 23 May, 2023
Neville said:
an intriguing introduction to your ink sir .. I sincerely hope that others will now be tempted to visit in the wake I leave behind me ............ Neville :)
May 23rd, 2023 13:44
Neville said:
an intriguing introduction to your ink sir .. I sincerely hope that others will now be tempted to visit in the wake I leave behind me ............ Neville :)
May 23rd, 2023 13:44
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