Comments received on poems by Star Singer

A Disaster Course Of Memories
2781 said:

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things that are behind, and reaching forth unto those things that are before.

November 20th, 2023 09:01

Will you join the Ride? (Part I)
L. B. Mek said:

people\'s aesthetic, purposed to mislead
we learn too late, sadly
but, we adapt eventually...
(I like your poetic clarity
narrative poetry is seldom
this accessible, yet refined)
thanks for sharing

July 31st, 2023 05:00

Misfortune II
peto said:

No longer alone
Welcome to mps community
With talent like that
You belong
Look forward to reading more from you

June 23rd, 2023 12:45

Misfortune I
Star Singer said:

Thank you for anyone one that took the time to read, understand and like.

June 10th, 2023 23:38