Comments received on poems by S Julyne

Friends Like Geronimo
Caring dove said:

Lovely and sweet poem ))

I liked reading it 🙂

July 5th, 2023 15:11

One A Day
L. B. Mek said:

I like to think of routine as consistency
a valid foundation, to all that I aspire towards
and may someday achieve..
(a wonderfully relatable read
thanks for sharing, dear poet)
and yes, who are these
and where can i find em!

June 19th, 2023 01:06

A Poem Is A Mark
L. B. Mek said:

wise words, thanks for sharing them
(I read and learn)

June 16th, 2023 03:57

The Earthmaker\'s Passionate Love
Ok Waleed said:

Hmm interesting color font choice

June 14th, 2023 12:33